PayPal for Philippines Initialized

Support Paypal for the Philippines Just two days ago, I’ve signed up for the PayPal Now! advocacy for the availability of PayPal to Filipinos thinking that the widely used online money transfer service would be beneficial to me and all other Filipino Web designers/developers who are into freelancing.

The guys from PayPal heard us. Now, our wishes came true! Well, partially …

I’ve just got news from the PayPal Now! Blog that PayPal would be offering a limited send-only service to Philippine customers. That’s a start. But we want more!

Hmm … might as well erase that first. *scratches off the our wishes came true part*

Add your signature on the list!

Note: Read the article from the PayPal Now! Blog (link above) for more information.


6 responses to “PayPal for Philippines Initialized”

  1. Shari Avatar

    Ahh, thanks again for the info. Pero nakakatawa talaga dahil may spam. Geesh. 🙂

  2. Aja Avatar

    There’s logic to why gambling links spammers sign the petition. As I have said earlier [in Y!Msgr]:

    :)) supporter ng paypal ang online gambling noh… kung may paypal sa pilipinas, mas madali makapag online gambling mga pinoy =))

    English translation: Online Gambling supports PayPal … If there would be PayPal in the Philippines, it would be easier for the Filipinos [to pay for] gambling online.

    ‘Nuff said. 😛

  3. gio Avatar

    [..]…was happy to see that PayPal has finally decided to provide services here in the Philippines again.[..]

  4. julianne Avatar

    hi! care for a link exchange? ^____^

  5. lai Avatar

    i really think paypal should freaking get off their stupid asses and include more services for us filipinos.

    talk about discrimination.

    ….. ehem…. me? i have a paypal account, but i can’t ever deposit or get my money from my account, i just use it for online stuff… illegal kasi teehee


  6. Nanflexal Avatar

    if you have a Saving / Current account in USA, you can send and recieve fund using your own paypal account.

    I have my own US Checking + Debit Card + Online banking features, read this if you want to know more.