Tag: Rants

  • Back to School

    It isn’t the start of the semester or the academic year, but it sure feels like it as numerous school activities, weather mis-forecasts, and just the regular weekends got packed into one hell of a vacation I might as well call a weekendless. Our class of 3ECEA wouldn’t even have our laboratory instructor for tomorrow—though lectures still would take place. But, counting the days since the suspension of classes, it totals to six days of no classes all in all.

    But, I guess I just have to rant some things that I have to get out of my system:

    • The first one would be the devastating effect of the Super Typhoon Reming especially in the provinces. While I was busy having fun because of little rainfall with the suspension of classes, I sadly realized many have been hardly hit by the raging typhoon resulting to many casualties. Let us pray for them.
    • I still haven’t learned much this late in the semester! All those class suspensions and school activities—with examples including but are not limited to the recollection early this morning and NECES week last, last week, with activities almost every morning conflicting with our schedule—consumed class time.
    • All these absent professors/instructors keep me justifying myself for lack of self-discipline finishing certain school work.

    Anyway, I still can’t feel the Christmas spirit. When I was a kid we used to setup the tree within the range of October-November (whenever there’s semester break or before the All Souls’ Day vacation ends), but it’s now December and not even one decoration is up yet. But, hey: For those thinking about what to give me this coming Holidays, I wouldn’t give you much of a hard time trying to find out what to give me—even if you didn’t even greet me on My Birthday Entry. *tee-hee*

    • Computer case: white, ATX form factor, HDD bays in front of a 120-mm noiseless intake fan, and front-panel USB ports as minimum specs πŸ˜‰
    • Digital SLR camera
    • Apple iPod USB power adapter
    • Better-sounding earphones [or maybe even better-sounding lanyard earphones for 1st gen nano]
    • Internal DVD±R/RW drive, white; and
    • Maybe some original Evanescence CDs πŸ˜›

    Yes, yes … I know I could keep on dreaming. LOL

    BTW, I have migrated the formerly Blogger-platformed quote log located at /special, to a WordPress installation in this server. Please visit: x22. The Qlog will be updated soon. πŸ™‚

  • Not Worth the Ticket

    OK, OK. The fight was worth the 700-peso live moviecast ticket for them Filipino boxing fans because Manny Pacquiao won his third match against Erik Morales. But even with all the hype I encounter from them, I was a little disappointed I haven’t had to watch a longer fight. Good thing I wasn’t at all interested in watching live inside a movie house. I’d rather spend money for food and gadgetry, or a real film that costs just above a hundred pesos, than for a 10-minute movie costing almost a thousand. The trip to the movie house would even be much longer even when there’s not another car within the next kilometer!

    I am not blaming Morales for the loss. He did give Pacquiao some good punches. I just don’t like people making it such a big thing bragging all day flooding my mobile with SMS. I don’t need to hear it from you, I’ve watched the match live from cable television myself.

    OK, Pacquiao is a good boxer. And because of this, he became a good endorser. And, oh, he has fans [?] as a singer. Just don’t let him get to politics. Please. No more celebrity politicians, please.

    Pacquiao finished the match in three rounds. I’m starting to feel another wave of celebration waiting for his coming back home. But, I wouldn’t even consider him a hero. Will there be a Pacman day? Will all of this be worth it? Yes, he gives pride and unity to Filipinos. But much later after this fight, would there still be?

  • Musing #0005

    Why do minor subject professors (i.e., those teaching English to students taking up an engineering program) think they’re teaching major ones trying to make students give up all their time just to pass their bloody requirements? And, they don’t even teach, they just rail to whoever they want to raise their know-it-all ego, and assume their students look up to them as wise and knowledgeable persons.

  • ABS-CBN should timestamp their news

    For those students who want to have a little break off from school: If you’ve read this news, which has been circulating as a reference during this past hours, you’d be happy. Of course, what you will be reading is the declaration of no classes on a Friday, which states no date on any part of the article, and no more. But if you follow the said declaration, you’d be marked absent tomorrow. Here are the reasons why:

    1. There’s no date when the article was posted nor a date when the suspension of classes should take place.
    2. At the end of the article, it stated that The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), meanwhile, gathered an additional 300 soldiers to augment crowd-control units for the 20th anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution.Ò€”meaning it was posted last February.
    3. And another thing, if you look at the StoryId on the URI and compare it with a more recent news’ StoryID, you’d notice that there should be 13,487 more articles between what’s posted in 7:51 AM (the time the article was posted) and today‘s 4:07 PM.

    I admit I was scammed after a student council officer told me there really will be no classes for tomorrow. But, I was still skeptic about the article because of those things I’ve mentioned above. You be the judge. By the way, if you really want the proper guidance about the classes for tomorrow, read the article from INQ7.net.

    ABS-CBN should really timestamp and datestamp their news.

  • Frustrated Entry

    My fixed desktop PC Whew! My desktop PC had just got through from a major overhaul. A couple of months ago, my desktop occasionally hangs even before Windows finish starting up and that incident became worse every day. I was just happy I have a notebook on which I can continue school work and Web work. We brought my dead PC to my uncle, but even after replacing the memory modules and the processor, it still was a wreck. That was when we concluded that the motherboard was the problem. It was now replaced with a new one that includes a whole lot of new features Ò€” more USB 2.0 ports, an on-board LAN, support for AGP 8X, and 400-Mhz DIMM slots Ò€” I was glad. πŸ˜€

    Gawd, I’ve written that [paragraph above] about a week ago. But since I haven’t got all the time in the world, I was not able to finish, especially with all my school work that was nearing their deadlines and finals week that was coming. Now everything that I haven’t been able to write earlier just faded into [my] memory that I am not able to put into words anymore.

    I so hate it when that happens. A Gift from My Princess Good thing my baby gave me this cute little stuffed toy: a tiny fat pig. Oh, you see our resemblance? πŸ˜† Ehehe … I love you, princess! πŸ™‚

    Well, everything has been fine with me unless of course I try to think about my Phys 205 grade, which I have a very bad hunch about. I really hope I’m ready to know what it really is come this Friday. Oh, please wish me all the luck I need …

    Err … I just can’t seem to forget that this entry was a frustrated post. I really hope it won’t happen again. I’m really not so worried about ruining my story, it’s just that I’ve realized I have ruined memory. Oh stop it. I’m not getting that old. πŸ˜†

    Now I am thinking: Maybe those wrecked motherboard and slow memory modules that were on my PC caused my memory to leak, too. Waaa!

    OK. I’ll stop now.